Leafy Greens
Superfood Leafy Greens
Superfood Leafy Greens!
Are you feeling underwhelmed by spinach and kale?
Here's why you should include more of these superfoods in your diet.
When it comes to superfoods, few readily available products provide us with more nutrients than leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and broccoli.
Green vegetables give an extra boost to your heart health as they are high in carotenoids, which act as antioxidants and free your body of potentially harmful compounds. They're also high in fibre and contain loads of vitamins and minerals. Kale also has some omega-3 fatty acids.
Leafy Greens are perfect for those seeking to maintain nutritional balance while following a plant-based or vegan diet. These nutrient-dense foods, such as spinach and kale, keep you satiated for longer as they take longer to digest and provide your body with the nutrition it needs. They're also full of fibre and help to regulate blood sugar levels!
You can't go wrong with including more of these superfoods in your diet!
I hope you have enjoyed this information. Until next time!
Emma Alexander-Cook.