Gratitude in the moment
Gratitude in the moment
Gratitude in the moment
Gratitude is a strong and deeply-rooted emotion of appreciation. The positive feeling of gratitude can inspire us to show appreciation, which will, in turn, make others more likely to help us again in the future. This is perhaps why today we feel the most grateful when we give or receive an act of kindness.
Unlike other beneficial health practices, cultivating a gratitude practice can be done in very little time with no costly devices, memberships, or equipment.
I speak to my clients about gratitude and how important it can be in their lives. If it's been a while since you've evaluated the good in your life, a simple way to start is to think of three things that have gone well for you and identify the cause.
Keep a Gratitude Journal for a month and then look back at it and see how you feel.
Go a step further by imagining what your life would be like if these positive events had not occurred.
I hope you have enjoyed this information. Until next time!
Emma Alexander-Cook.