Long Distance Relationships
Long Distance Relationships!
Long Distance Relationships!
Some people may try and convince you otherwise, but it is possible to maintain a long-distance relationship!
While this section will focus on romantic relationships, the same basic premise can also be applied to any friendship.
I'm an expat living abroad, and I have seen long-distance work!
Most couples find themselves geographically separated at some point during their dating or marriage relationship. Those who made it work point to that time of distance as a cornerstone that strengthened their relationship.
So what does it take to survive, maintain, and thrive in a long-distance relationship? Here are some pointers:
Communicate as much or as little as you need to feel connected. Some people enjoy texts throughout the day, phone calls before bed, and a "good morning" video call. Others are okay checking in for a call once a week. Everyone is different, and discussing and modifying your expectations frequently is essential to keep both parties on the same page. Neither person should feel that too much is being demanded of them, so be honest about what routines you can commit to and ask your partner to do the same.
Pay Close Attention!
Research indicates that the most satisfied people in their relationships are those who agree that their partner responds to their "emotional calls." Emotional calls are the thousands of tiny attempts to connect with one another. In strong relationships, both partners are mindful, aware, and responsive to minor interactions, including bids for attention, affection, and support.
Be Selfless Sometimes!
You're part of a team when you're in a relationship with someone. Making decisions that support that team is essential to creating a solid foundation of satisfaction and trust. Every day you'll be confronted with
I hope you have enjoyed this information. Until next time!
Emma Alexander-Cook.